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Our Farms

At present, PEIRÓ CAMARÓ grows about 250 hectares with more than 120,000 trees in production of the most current citrus varieties and the most modern systems of production (MOHT SYSTEM), selection and packaging that are known.

There are two different production zones, each suitable for the varieties that have been implanted in them.

Production areas:

  • North Zone: Rotglá - Canals - Montesa
  • South Zone: Area of Gandía

Varieties of the North zone:

  • Satsumas: Iwaski - Okitsu - Owari.
  • Hybrid Satsuma x Clementina: Primosole
  • Tango
  • Late Navel: Chislett - Powell
  • Navelina L-7

Varieties of the South zone:

  • Chislett / C. Macrophylla 50:50 C-35
  • Clemenules / C. Macrophylla / C. Carrizo
  • Clementina Fina / C. Macrophylla / C. Carrizo
  • Clementina Arrufatina / C. Macrophilla C-35

In addition we have a plot of varieties and controlled test patterns between IVIA and PEIRÓ CAMARÓ with the varieties of last appearance.



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Peiró Camaró Polígono Cotes B C/ Aiguaders, 6-10 46680 ALGEMESÍ Tel. + 34 96 244 83 26 Fax: +34 96 244 83 85 info@peirocamaro.es